Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu

I was not too concerned about swine fly since I live in a very small community. I have only 8 students in my class. Why should I worry about swine flu....ignorance is not bliss! I was totally panicked when one of my students announced that a family member had went to Mexico and would be back in a week! That put a new light on the situation. What to do? Nothing much can be done except to educate our children on keeping their hands clean, washing or sanitizing after coughing sneezing, or going to the restroom, and of course sanitizing every doorknob, light switch, and other commonly used surfaces. And of course pray!

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.
1 John iv. 18.


  1. Oh my goodness. Of all places! I thought you would be pretty much care free, too. We'll pray for all of you out there.

  2. I hope you get back to this soon, 'cause I'm passing an award on to you. Go visit my blog to find out what. :)
